The Alimtox Ion Cell-Cleanse Foot Bath is quickly becoming one of the most popular ion detoxifying instrument today due to it’s cutting edge technology, ease of use and reliability. This alimtoxfoot bath relaxes, cleanses, balances and enhances the bio-energy of the body. Chinese medicine refers to this energy as “Qi”(pronounced chee).  The footbath is widely used to increase both physical and mental energy, vitality, and stamina while improving oxygen levels. At the same time, it may also purge the body of toxins, chemicals, radiation, pollution, synthetics, and other foreign material clogging up the skin – an essential part of the body’s system of elimination. The internal cleansing promoted by an ionic foot bath also can include parasite cleansing and liver and kidney detoxification.

An Alimtox Ion Cell-Cleanse Foot Bath is a high tech detoxification system that can help enable the body to heal itself.  It’s the perfect solution for body pollution!

Health Benefits:

  • Liver and kidney detoxification
  • Improved memory and mental clarity
  • Reduction of stress and restful sleep
  • Relief from body aches and pain
  • Supports elimination of parasites
  • Full body purge of heavy metals and toxins

Add an Alimtox session after your colonic for the best results!